• The ISO 45003 standard provides information on identifying any potential risks to the psychological health and wellbeing of employees. It details how to perform psychosocial risk assessments in the workplace and advises what measures may be necessary to control these risks.

    Three Main Categories

    The guidelines cover areas that pose a potential risk to workers’ mental health. These areas fall under three main categories:

  • Social factors in the workplace

  • How workloads are organised

  • The work environment

How does ISO 45003 relate to ISO 45001?

ISO 45003 is the first global standard to provide guidance on managing psychological risks in the workplace. Rather than providing official accreditation, ISO 45003 provides companies with guidance on the requirements of ISO 45003 with respect to managing their psychological health and safety risks in conjunction with a broader occupational health and safety management framework.

This guidance is intended to be used in conjunction with the ISO 45001, which contains requirements and guidance on planning, implementing and reviewing an OH&S management system. See the requirements here. ISO 45003 is a “child standard” of ISO 45001.

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ISO 45003

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